MedDRA Web-Based BrowserAPPENDIX B. MedDRA WEB-BASED BROWSER FEEDBACK FORMPurpose This form provides you with the tool to identify and communicate issues or development ideas for the MedDRA Web-Based Browser to the Maintenance and Support Services Organization (MSSO). It is divided into two sections. Use the first section to identify software bugs or errors. The second section for proposing enhancements of existing capabilities or new capabilities. Please use the correct section for your feedback. Software Errors Screen or function where glitch/error/bug occurred (e.g., screen name):
Description of cause of error:
Result of error:
Attachments to clarify the above (e.g., screen shots, notes):
Proposed Enhancements
Capability proposed:
Location(s) available for capability within MedDRA Web-Based Browser (e.g., menu item, short-cut icon):
Attachments (e.g., proposed layout, notes):
Please fax this completed form to +1 571.313.2345 to the attention of MSSOhelp or e-mail your input to Thank you.