Browser Basics
Starting the Browser
Exiting the Browser
Browser Tool Navigation
Basic Browsing
Terminology Searches
SMQ Searches
Search Pane
Advanced Features
Versions and Languages
Multiple Versions
Multiple Versions in Another Language
Printing and Exporting
Print Search Results
Export Search Results
Print and Export SMQ Results
Acronyms and Abbreviations
Feedback Form

Welcome to the MedDRA Web-Based Browser!


Welcome to the MedDRA Web-Based Browser! The MedDRA Web-Based Browser is provided by the ICH MedDRA Management Board to all MedDRA MSSO subscribers as part of their MedDRA subscription. The MedDRA Management Board hopes that the MedDRA Web-Based Browser will be of added value and will help to further facilitate the use of MedDRA. The document assumes the reader has a working knowledge of the Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities (MedDRA) terminology.

The following writing conventions are used throughout this manual:

    •  Bolded words signify the name of a dialog box, the name of buttons on the screen, the name of a file, or the steps taken to accomplish a particular task (such as View Collapse Tree)

    •  Bolded and italicized words signify the name of a main file menu within the MedDRA Browser

    •  Words surrounded by <> (such as <Enter>) signify keys on the keyboard.

All examples given in this manual utilize Version 12.1 of MedDRA.

The MedDRA Web-Based Browser is hosted on the dsNavigator® platform.

Before using the MedDRA Web-Based Browser, users need to verify their systems meet the following minimum requirements and settings.

    •  Internet Browser Microsoft® Internet Explorer® 6.0 or 7.0

    • Screen Resolution 800X600 display resolution or better

    • Available Ram 64MB RAM or better

    • JavaScript™ must be enabled

    • Pop-ups must be allowed

The MedDRA MSSO team will be pleased to assist you with any inquiries and questions you may have with the MedDRA Web-Based Browser.

MedDRA MSSO Telephone, Fax, and E-mail:

    •  Toll Free International: +1 877.258.8280

    •  Direct: +1 571.313.2574

    •  Fax: +1 571.313.2345

    •  E-mail for Help Desk:

The MedDRA MSSO International Toll Free Number may be used from any location throughout the world where AT&T access is available.

In order to display the necessary AT&T access codes by country, please go to the following web site,, and select:

    1) The country you are dialing from

    2) The country you are dialing to

    3) Click Submit


    dsNavigator™ is a trademark of Cerner Galt, Inc.

    MedDRA® trademark is owned by IFPMA on behalf of ICH.

    Microsoft®, Word®, Excel®, Windows®, and Internet Explorer® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

    JavaScript™ is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries.